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Showing posts from August, 2023

Allergy Season : Immunity Explained ( The Ayurveda Way) !

Immunity Introduction When it comes to the immune system, two words that are most important are antigens and antibodies. To put it simply, antigens are any foreign bodies or toxins that initiate an immune response in the body. Antibodies are proteins produced by the body to fight against these antigens. Let us just assume our body’s immune system and its response as an interesting drama that plays as long as we live. Now, certainly, it should have some main characters without which the drama never unfolds.  White blood cells (WBC) , also known as leukocytes are the key factors or main characters that help build and maintain a strong immune system in our body. They circulate through the blood vessels and lymphatic vessels and do a constant patrol every time so that our body is always ready to fight any foreign body. WBCs are mainly 2 types: Phagocytes Lymphocytes Phagocytes As the name suggests, these cells engulf and absorb the pathogens, just like that! Remember the terms  Neutrophils

6 Ways To Manage Hashimoto’s Naturally

                                If you’re struggling with fatigue or unexpected weight gain, perhaps you’ve suspected that you might have a  thyroid problem . In fact, these are just a few of the many symptoms you may experience when you are hypothyroid, meaning that your thyroid is underactive. But your  thyroid  may not be the underlying cause of your symptoms. It is estimated that 90% of those conventionally diagnosed with hypothyroidism actually have Hashimoto’s disease, also known as chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis. It is an autoimmune disease which means the body mistakenly attacks its own tissues. In the case of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, the immune system infiltrates and damages the thyroid gland, a small butterfly-shaped gland at the front of the neck. Specifically, immune cells produce proteins called antibodies that capture and neutralize substances required for the production of thyroid hormone. The resulting low levels of thyroid hormone lead to the development of a wide arr

Sun Protection For Skin & Hair 🌞

We get it, morning routines are hectic. We’ve all been through those rushed moments when we dash out the door, unintentionally forgetting something or the other.  And while there are some minor oversights that may not have a significant impact on your skin, like forgetting your work laptop at home; there are certain misses that can result in an absolute catastrophe – SKIPPING THE  SUNSCREEN . Effects Of Sun Exposure On Skin And Hair When it comes to the skin, prolonged exposure to the sun’s UV rays can cause sunburn, premature ageing, and an increased risk of skin cancer. Sunburn occurs when the skin’s top layer is damaged by excessive UV radiation, resulting in redness, pain, and peeling. Chronic sun exposure can lead to the formation of wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots, making the skin appear older than it actually is. Furthermore, UV radiation damages the DNA within skin cells, increasing the risk of developing skin cancer, including melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.

Ayurvedic Best Time To Eat, Sleep & Exercise ⏰ By : Dr Hansaji Ma

  Also read  The Ayurvedic Clock  Dinacharya  

Should I eat only one fruit at a time? 🍒🍓🍍🍅🍋🍏🍎🍐🍇🍌🍉🍊🍑

Generally, you should eat only one fruit at a time, as per most naturopaths and ayurvedic practitioners. But it is not necessary. There is no classical reference that prohibits taking fruit salad. There are some references for incompatible fruit combinations. Argument in Favour The argument in favour of eating one fruit at a time is – each fruit has different properties and potency (hot or cold), which may interfere with other fruits’ properties. Each fruit also has different effects on doshas. Our body needs a different kind of enzymes and chemicals to digest each fruit. Therefore, you should eat only one fruit at a specific time. Wrong Hypothesis If you apply this hypothesis, it also applies to all food groups. Then there is no use of recipes. There is no science this rule is only made for fruits. You cannot enjoy the food. You cannot eat grains with vegetables or legumes , etc. In the salad case, naturopaths recommend adding tomatoes, coriander, carrots, radish, cucumber, etc. t

Health Benefits of Cantaloupe 🍈

                                  A popular summertime treat and addition to refreshing fruit salads, the cantaloupe we know in the United States is actually a muskmelon. These fruits ( Cucumis melo  var  reticulatus ) have a “netting” on their hard, outer skin. “True” cantaloupes ( Cucumis melo  var  cantalupensis ) don’t have the same, orderly netting. Instead, they have heavier grooved “sutures.” As a member of the  Cucurbitaceae  family, cantaloupes are related to various other melons, squashes, and  cucumbers . Historians debate the origins of cantaloupes, but it is widely believed that the melon came from Africa. Today, cantaloupe grows all over the world, including in the United States. Some of the largest producers include California, Colorado, Texas, Georgia, and Arizona. A popular fruit with a mild and sweet flavor, cantaloupe is a delicious favorite that provides many important health benefits. Health Benefits Antioxidants  in cantaloupe help to fight  inflammation  in the b

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11 Calming Herbs to keep your Mind Balanced 💆

          Life is hard. Every day it seems like a new challenge appears to test your patience. You may not realize that chronic stress can also lead to long-term health complications. Living in a constant state of fight-or-flight tells your body to produce too much cortisol which can lead to weight gain, diabetes, mood swings, fatigue, and many other conditions. ( 1 ) While it’s important to take steps to manage stress, certain calming herbs can help strengthen your body’s stress response. Adaptogens are some of the best calming herbs because studies show they might make your body and mind more resilient to external stress. Keep in mind that adaptogens don’t work like prescription drugs for anxiety in that they kick in instantly. Instead, they need a few weeks to build up in your system before you notice the effects. When you need something in a pinch, however, other herbs and  essential oils  – like lavender oil – can ease symptoms almost instantly. 1.  LEMON BALM Lemon balm , also kn

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