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Showing posts from August, 2024

6 Ayurvedic Tips to Manage Your Health This Fall

The 5,000-year-old science of Ayurveda gives us the steps we need to take to stay healthy, safe, and sated this fall. Seasonal Guidelines for Fall In Ayurveda , we take our cues from nature. Autumn is a time of transition, a time to leave behind the heat and productivity of summer, slow down, fall back and “learn from the falling leaves how to let go.” As per the Ayurvedic seasonal regimen, or Ritucharya , fall and early winter are  vata season (the energy principle of air and ether). Vata is dry, light, cold, rough, subtle, and mobile, and an imbalance in this dosha (energy principle) can lead to similar qualities in the individual. The two simple concepts in restoring balance are like increases like and opposites balance each other. For instance, the dry quality of vata can be balanced by internal and external oleation, hydrating enough, and unctuous food like soups and massages. A rejuvenating cleanse is highly recommended to enhance our immunity in Fall. Ritucharya

Detox For Your Liver's Sake !

Your liver is a vital organ that works tirelessly to carry out several jobs in the body, including processing hormones, pharmaceutical drugs and toxins so they can be eliminated by the body, helping to digest fat (by producing bile), metabolising carbohydrates, producing key proteins and supporting the cardiovascular system. Keeping your liver healthy is the best asset you can have! Conventional medicine checks for problems in the liver through liver function tests and, although they are very valuable, an abnormal result usually suggests there may be some degree of liver damage already present. On the other hand, naturopaths and herbalists place a great deal of importance on supporting the liver in order to prevent potential health issues. This is particularly relevant on nowadays society where pollution, pesticides, processed foods, sugar, alcohol, excessive medication, and stress make our livers work harder than ever. Healthy liver , healthy hormones The liver plays a crucial role

Breath-Work to Reduce Stress

            Breath is our main source of   prana , or life force, and is one of the most basic human functions as well as one of the most profound!  It is also one of our greatest tools and the key to our nervous system. When you inhale, the diaphragm- a dome-shaped muscle separating the lungs from the abdominal cavity, contracts. This contraction, like a void ready to be filled, allows your lungs to expand and fill with air. On your exhale, the diaphragm returns to its normal position and the lungs reduce back to their original shape.             Why breathing is so important to our overall health is that breathing unlike any other system is both under involuntary and voluntary actions. The respiratory center of the brain stem involuntarily controls your breathing. It is automatic and often mindless, but when we can harness the breath, we can reduce trauma and stress from the body. Breath and the Nervous System              Your breath responds to the stress put on your body, which

Ayurveda for Child Growth, Nutrition & Healthcare 👶

Let Your Child Develop to Their Full Potential with Proper Nutrition & Care 👶 Ayurveda contains a plethora of information that adults and children may benefit from. We hope that with this blog, we can impart some of the ancient Ayurvedic knowledge to help your kids develop to their maximum potential. So, let’s get started. The three basic mind-body types or principles identified by the Ayurvedic system are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The correct balancing of these three doshas forms the foundation for balancing the child's mind and body. Vata Vata influences breathing, the heart's pulse, general muscular movement, nerve impulses, sensory perception, communication, and the ability to experience flexibility, joy, and consciousness. It is the energy of air and ether. Pitta Pitta, which controls appetite, digestion, absorption, assimilation, intelligence, charisma, transformation and ambition, is the energy of fire and water. Kapha The governing principle of feeding, development

Ayurveda Pregnancy Care Tips: For Those Nine Months!

                                       According to  Ayurveda , pregnancy and delivery can be the most rejuvenating experience of a women’s life, during which every cell of the mother’s body can be transformed. Unfortunately, in the west, we did not get that memo, and mothers often pay dearly with health concerns after a pregnancy. Ayurvedic Guideline For a Healthy Pregnancy During pregnancy, downward-moving energy called Apana vata supports the development of the fetus. When the mother-to-be is balanced, there is enough Apana vata to go around. In cases of stress and tiredness, however, the upward-moving vata – called prana vata – has to step in and is redirected downward to support the needs of the baby. Without the prana needed to feel the joy of pregnancy, this can leave the mom exhausted, depleted, tired, and even depressed postpartum. Ayurveda Pregnancy Dietary Tips Ayurveda strongly recommends a diet based on fresh flora. Fresh green vegetables and freshly cooked food products

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11 Calming Herbs to keep your Mind Balanced 💆

          Life is hard. Every day it seems like a new challenge appears to test your patience. You may not realize that chronic stress can also lead to long-term health complications. Living in a constant state of fight-or-flight tells your body to produce too much cortisol which can lead to weight gain, diabetes, mood swings, fatigue, and many other conditions. ( 1 ) While it’s important to take steps to manage stress, certain calming herbs can help strengthen your body’s stress response. Adaptogens are some of the best calming herbs because studies show they might make your body and mind more resilient to external stress. Keep in mind that adaptogens don’t work like prescription drugs for anxiety in that they kick in instantly. Instead, they need a few weeks to build up in your system before you notice the effects. When you need something in a pinch, however, other herbs and  essential oils  – like lavender oil – can ease symptoms almost instantly. 1.  LEMON BALM Lemon balm , also kn

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Spring Detox Smoothie

When spring arrives, I can't help but think about cleaning up my eating habits. After all, spring detox is a thing (along with spring cleaning, which technically is a detox for your home). That's why I’m sharing with you a smoothie packed with nutrients your body will love. Drink it in the morning and you'll give your body a much-needed boost of energy to get you through the day. Ingredient Breakdown: Why Each One Matters  Before I get to the actual recipe, I'd like to shine the spotlight on each individual ingredient used in this smoothie. You'll quickly see why this is a great spring detox smoothie worth drinking. Green Tea Not only is  green tea tasty to drink on its own, but it's also full of health benefits. It's high in antioxidants and contains a large amount of catechins, polyphenolic compounds that are thought to exert numerous protective effects, especially for your heart. Green tea is great for your cardiovascular system and