I am a Vata /Pitta. He is a Kapha. What should I know about our doshas to facilitate our love, communication, and sex life? In this post, I’ll introduce you to the best Ayurvedic Love Tips for Healthier Relationships for Vata, Pitta, and Kapha so you can thrive with your love. In Ayurveda, we are generally categorized in three doshas, depending on our physical, mental, and emotional characteristics. These are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. If you don’t know yours yet, do this quiz . Going a little dipper, we can find more than just one dominant dosha. In my case, I am Vata/Pitta. And I am married to a Kapha sweet man. We’ve been happily together for over 11 years and let me tell you, the tips you’ll find here today, do help. In our relationship, I am the crazy one. And he is the calm to my storm. I come up with lots of ideas —crazy ideas. He makes them work, for the most part, after carefully organizing the logistic and financial aspects. I am impatient . He waits for me until I...
Holy basil is an herb used for hormonal balance, blood sugar support, anxiety , cholesterol, and inflammation by many people. As I’ll explain in this article, research has shown holy basil benefits range from stress and mental / emotional support to helping with fatigue and providing nutritional support. Addressing hormone balance takes a holistic approach, but holy basil is one of my favorites, especially for women needing extra support. Think of holy basil as a helping hand when you're feeling low or navigating rough terrain. It helps you become more resilient to the stresses and challenges of daily life to reduce the toll that stress can take on your health and hormone balance. In this article, we'll dive deeper into the science behind holy basil's hormone-balancing properties, why it's one of my top choices for women's health , and how you can add it to your routine. What are the Health Benefits of Holy basil ? Holy basil is a native Indian aromatic herb...