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Showing posts from July, 2021

Caring for your Heart: The Holistic Approach of Ayurveda to a Healthy Heart ♥️

In Ayurveda, the heart (Hridaya) is considered as one of the most important organs responsible for maintaining overall health and well-being. The heart is the seat of consciousness (Atman) and plays a crucial role in the circulation of vital life force (Prana) and blood (Rakta) throughout the body. “In Eastern medicine, the heart, and not the brain, is the centre of consciousness. Therefore, any heart condition points to deep-rooted problems of self-identity, emotions and consciousness. “1 Western culture focuses on individual achievement and constant competition, rather than spiritual connection with others, so our hearts are sidelined and often replaced by ego. The lack of exercise and the consumption of fatty, spicy, fried food and lots of meat, typical of European cuisine, also puts a strain on the heart. In Hungary, cardiovascular disease accounted for 49% of deaths in 2019, or 64,000 deaths.2 Primary causes of heart problems include poor diet, stress, lack of exercise and suppr...

What is Ama ?

Do you wake up every morning feeling fresh and rejuvenated? Is your mind clear and skin glowing? If not, you may be experiencing the accumulation of  Ama   in the body. A body free from  Ama  feels light and generally enthusiastic about life and has a pink tongue and blemish-free complexion. Where Western medicine is left without explanation for certain conditions which seem to never be resolved,  Ayurveda  is wise to the notion of  Ama    and how to relieve it in order to bring one out of the path of dis-ease and back into alignment with wellness. What is  Ama ? Literally translated as “undigested,”  Ama  is a sort of  toxic byproduct  of undigested/unassimilated food in the body.  It is created as a result of low or ineffective digestive fires, known in Sanskrit as  Agni .  In a normal, healthy body, the entirety of food eaten is properly digested by the  Agni . Approximately half then is ta...

Nuts Guide 🍱

                             Nuts  are a great source of plant-based protein and healthy fats. Additionally, it also provides vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and antioxidants. Nuts maintain optimum health. One serving (30 g or ¼ cup) of nuts provides about 3-6 grams of protein. However, if your goal to get more protein, we usually recommend increasing the intake of legumes. Nuts  strengthen the brain, heart, and muscles. They boost cognitive function, reduces oxidative stress, provides energy, and prevents diseases. You should include a variety of  nuts  in your daily diet. Almonds and walnuts are especially important because both nuts have a greater antioxidant capacity and contain the healthiest fats. Walnuts also contain omega-3 fatty acids. KEY RECOMMENDATION Preference:  Give preference to walnuts and almonds. These should be a part of your daily diet. Walnuts are more important ...

Managing Emotions : 7 Ways to Stay Grounded

  Coronavirus  has created an unprecedented new world. We’re social creatures, so distancing can be hard. And this particular contagion, and the fallout of it, can trigger significant  stress . The key to sustaining emotional well-being through these times is nurturing awareness, self-care,  routine , and  compassion  for self  and others. Sure, this all sounds great, but, how do we do that when we’re opening the fridge 17 times a day, jumping from one Zoom call to another, and generally feeling  anxious ? “This is an unfamiliar situation for most of us,” says  Steven Leonard , Lead Faculty member at Kripalu. “It’s important to maintain structure when we’re in ‘stay home, stay safe’ mode. This can impact our emotions positively and help us maintain balance. Remember what feels safe for you. Are you in a good spot, with space around you, with people you love? Can you carve out time for you?” Familiarity in unfamiliar times can be an anchor....


Cucumbers   are in the   genus   Cucumis L.   or   melon P   of the species   Cucumis sativus L   commonly known as the garden cucumber P. The plant is believed to have   originated   in western Asia in India and regions of the Middle East. Cucumbers have been documented in the legend of Gilgamesh in 2500 B.C.E. and found their way to Europe in approximately the 1st century where it was cultivated. Cucumbers were brought to North America in the 16th century and have been commercially established in California and Florida and other sub-tropical and tropical areas to provide the population with cucumbers throughout the year. They are high in nutrients that concentrate in the seeds and skin, making the entire fruit edible. Today they may be waxed but only the organically grown cucumber is waxed with non-chemical contaminant products; it is advised to purchase non-waxed, organic  cucumbers . They ...

Finding Your Personal Power 💪

When you think of a  powerful  being, do you think of yourself? Why or why not is that, do you suppose? Often times, when we ruminate on personal power, we may think of an archetypical superhero dressed up in their costume, ready to save the day. Or perhaps we envision a famous celebrity, who seemingly has the world at their fingertips. It seems that our society has bred us to look externally at other people and things to feel a sense of power. That typically backfires, though, as instead of feeling powerful ourselves, we often feel inadequate in comparison. What if I told you that on an energetic level we are ALL powerful energetic beings who have the capability of manifesting amazing lives? Would you believe me? The tendency of our culture is to externalize what we want—to think that somewhere out there is the person/place/thing that will finally let us feel good, accomplished, loved. But the Universe has a sense of humor. You see, we are t...

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11 Calming Herbs to keep your Mind Balanced 💆

          Life is hard. Every day it seems like a new challenge appears to test your patience. You may not realize that chronic stress can also lead to long-term health complications. Living in a constant state of fight-or-flight tells your body to produce too much cortisol which can lead to weight gain, diabetes, mood swings, fatigue, and many other conditions. ( 1 ) While it’s important to take steps to manage stress, certain calming herbs can help strengthen your body’s stress response. Adaptogens are some of the best calming herbs because studies show they might make your body and mind more resilient to external stress. Keep in mind that adaptogens don’t work like prescription drugs for anxiety in that they kick in instantly. Instead, they need a few weeks to build up in your system before you notice the effects. When you need something in a pinch, however, other herbs and  essential oils  – like lavender oil – can ease symptoms almost instantly. 1...

Natural Home Remedies For Minor Burns 🔥

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Spring Detox Smoothie

When spring arrives, I can't help but think about cleaning up my eating habits. After all, spring detox is a thing (along with spring cleaning, which technically is a detox for your home). That's why I’m sharing with you a smoothie packed with nutrients your body will love. Drink it in the morning and you'll give your body a much-needed boost of energy to get you through the day. Ingredient Breakdown: Why Each One Matters  Before I get to the actual recipe, I'd like to shine the spotlight on each individual ingredient used in this smoothie. You'll quickly see why this is a great spring detox smoothie worth drinking. Green Tea Not only is  green tea tasty to drink on its own, but it's also full of health benefits. It's high in antioxidants and contains a large amount of catechins, polyphenolic compounds that are thought to exert numerous protective effects, ...