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Do you wake up every morning feeling fresh and rejuvenated? Is your mind clear and skin glowing? If not, you may be experiencing the accumulation of Ama in the body. A body free from Ama feels light and generally enthusiastic about life and has a pink tongue and blemish-free complexion. Where Western medicine is left without explanation for certain conditions which seem to never be resolved, Ayurveda is wise to the notion of Ama and how to relieve it in order to bring one out of the path of dis-ease and back into alignment with wellness. What is Ama ? Literally translated as “undigested,” Ama is a sort of toxic byproduct of undigested/unassimilated food in the body. It is created as a result of low or ineffective digestive fires, known in Sanskrit as Agni . In a normal, healthy body, the entirety of food eaten is properly digested by the Agni . Approximately half then is ta...