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We’re not alone in cherishing our companion animals. In Vedic mythology, dogs are venerated as symbols of the divine and protectors of the gates of heaven. In Nepal, a yearly festival called Tihar is celebrated to give thanks to dogs for their loyal, protective natures. The Hindu folk goddess Sashti, who assists in childbirth, rides a cat, and in the Hindu tradition, killing a cat is a grave sin. Early Ayurvedic texts mention veterinary medicine, treatment therapies, and surgeries — centuries ago, animal healer Sali Hotra wrote the veterinary Ayurvedic Materia Medica as a guide to safe and effective herbs for animals. Below are four adaptogenic Ayurvedic herbs and a formula used for pets . Please note that this information is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition, and is for informational purposes only. Consult your veterinarian for any diagnosis and treatment protocol. Dogs at the annual Tihar Dog Festival in Nepal 1. Tuls...