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Showing posts from July, 2024

6 Ayurvedic Tips to Manage Your Health This Fall

The 5,000-year-old science of Ayurveda gives us the steps we need to take to stay healthy, safe, and sated this fall. Seasonal Guidelines for Fall In Ayurveda , we take our cues from nature. Autumn is a time of transition, a time to leave behind the heat and productivity of summer, slow down, fall back and “learn from the falling leaves how to let go.” As per the Ayurvedic seasonal regimen, or Ritucharya , fall and early winter are  vata season (the energy principle of air and ether). Vata is dry, light, cold, rough, subtle, and mobile, and an imbalance in this dosha (energy principle) can lead to similar qualities in the individual. The two simple concepts in restoring balance are like increases like and opposites balance each other. For instance, the dry quality of vata can be balanced by internal and external oleation, hydrating enough, and unctuous food like soups and massages. A rejuvenating cleanse is highly recommended to enhance our immunity in Fall. Ritucharya

Throat Chakra 💙

The  Throat chakra  is the fifth chakra. Located at the center of the neck at the level of the throat, it is the passage of the energy between the lower parts of the body and the head. The function of the Throat chakra is driven by the principle of expression and communication. Throat chakra meaning The fifth chakra is referred to as: Throat chakra Vishuddha Kanth Padma Shodash Dala The most common Sanskrit name for the Throat chakra is “Vishudda”, which means “pure” or “purification”. This chakra is related to the element of sound. Through the throat, sound is propagated into the air and its vibration can be felt not just in our ears, but also in our whole body. It is an important instrument of communication and expression. Throat chakra color The Throat chakra is most commonly represented with the color blue turquoise or aquamarine blue. The auric color of Throat chakra energy can also be seen as a smoky purple or turquoise. Throat chakra symbol The symbol of the Throat chakra is com

World Brain Day 2024: Significance, History & Ways To Keep Brain Healthy

The World Federation of Neurology observes World Brain Day on July 22 to raise awareness of the value of brain health. The complexity of the brain controls our senses, emotions, behaviours, and perception of the outside world. This yearly event, which includes people of all ages, races and genders, focuses on brain health education to enhance equity for those with brain disorders. World Brain Day in 2024 will centre on increasing awareness throughout the world to enhance accessibility and lessen gaps in equality for people with brain illnesses. The goal of World Brain Day is to prevent, treat, and cure brain disorders worldwide. This day attempts to decrease the difficulties caused by brain disorders by increasing awareness of them. World Brain Day in 2024 is a vital opportunity to achieve equality for people with disabilities globally. World Brain Day was first observed globally by the World Federation of Neurology (WFN). Neurological illnesses cause considerable disa

Coconut Oil Healing Power (Dr. Hansaji Yogendra)

Check : Full report on Coconut oil

How to Reduce Pitta Immediately ? 🔥

Pitta is one of the three doshas known to govern the metabolism and the transformation that takes place in the body. Pitta predominately controls how we digest food and discriminate between right and wrong. In a nutshell, pitta dosha concerns itself with the digestion power  or ' agni ' and makes sure it does not go into an overdrive causing you discomfort and stomach related ailments. An overview of Pitta Dosha : Summer season is said to be the season of pitta. A combination of fire and water elements, pitta has the characteristics of being hot, oily and light. When there is an excess accumulation of pitta in the body, you may experience the following: Excess generation of heat in the body Acid reflux , gas, indigestion Inflammation of the joints Nausea, diarrhea or constipation Anger & irritability Bad breath Body odor Excessive sweating How to Reduce Pitta Immediately While how to balance pitta dosha  is the question that needs immediate attention, knowing about wha

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11 Calming Herbs to keep your Mind Balanced 💆

          Life is hard. Every day it seems like a new challenge appears to test your patience. You may not realize that chronic stress can also lead to long-term health complications. Living in a constant state of fight-or-flight tells your body to produce too much cortisol which can lead to weight gain, diabetes, mood swings, fatigue, and many other conditions. ( 1 ) While it’s important to take steps to manage stress, certain calming herbs can help strengthen your body’s stress response. Adaptogens are some of the best calming herbs because studies show they might make your body and mind more resilient to external stress. Keep in mind that adaptogens don’t work like prescription drugs for anxiety in that they kick in instantly. Instead, they need a few weeks to build up in your system before you notice the effects. When you need something in a pinch, however, other herbs and  essential oils  – like lavender oil – can ease symptoms almost instantly. 1.  LEMON BALM Lemon balm , also kn

Natural Home Remedies For Minor Burns 🔥

Natural Home remedies for Burns The use of natural remedies given below can be highly effective in managing such minor burns. These remedies are aimed at promoting healing of the damaged skin tissues and minimizing pain. Raw Potato Raw potato can be used to treat minor skin burns. It possesses soothing properties, which help in providing relief from the burning sensation caused by burns. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and reduces redness and inflammation of the skin. It can also reduce the chances of having blisters. Research has proved the beneficial effect of raw potato in the management of minor burns. The histological examination of the burnt area and clinical studies made on the comparable burn wounds treated with either peel of boiled potato affixed to gauze bandages or just gauze dressings showed that the patients treated with raw potato had a faster rate of recovery from the symptoms. It was found that the usage of the potato peel dressing eliminated or reduced desi

Spring Detox Smoothie

When spring arrives, I can't help but think about cleaning up my eating habits. After all, spring detox is a thing (along with spring cleaning, which technically is a detox for your home). That's why I’m sharing with you a smoothie packed with nutrients your body will love. Drink it in the morning and you'll give your body a much-needed boost of energy to get you through the day. Ingredient Breakdown: Why Each One Matters  Before I get to the actual recipe, I'd like to shine the spotlight on each individual ingredient used in this smoothie. You'll quickly see why this is a great spring detox smoothie worth drinking. Green Tea Not only is  green tea tasty to drink on its own, but it's also full of health benefits. It's high in antioxidants and contains a large amount of catechins, polyphenolic compounds that are thought to exert numerous protective effects, especially for your heart. Green tea is great for your cardiovascular system and