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Home remedies for Yeast Infections

Yeast Infection

Vulvovaginal candidiasis also known as yeast infection is one common infection of the lower part of the female reproductive tract caused by the overgrowth of fungi or yeast named candida Albicans. It results in burning sensation, itchiness and redness that are extremely uncomfortable.

Healthy type bacteria known as lactobacillus bacteria maintain the pH levels of the lower part of the female reproductive tract and also keep a check on yeast levels. However, the balance might be altered due to uncontrolled diabetes, pregnancy, antibiotics, increase in the levels of estrogen etc. It affects the genital area mostly and might also develop under the breasts, beneath skin folds etc.

A thick, white odorless discharge and burning sensation when urinating are the major symptoms of yeast infection. With few home remedies, you can treat yeast infections.

Boric acid:

For uncomplicated infections, boric acid acts as an effective home remedy. Boric acid is a natural antiseptic and antifungal ingredient that inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi responsible for infections. The powder form must never be applied directly. It is better to go for a suppository capsule to treat a yeast infection.

How to use?

  • You can use boric acid supplements to treat yeast infections. However, pregnant women are not supposed to use it.
  • Dilute little boric acid in water and apply it over the affected area. Rinse it thoroughly using water. Follow this remedy for not more than a week.
Vitanica, Yeast Arrest, 28 Vaginal Suppositories


Don’t use boric acid without diluting it. You need to use boric acid in small doses.

Tea tree oil:

Tea tree oil acts as an antifungal agent and helps in treating yeast infections. Few laboratory research studies indicated that tea tree oil helped in inhibiting the ability of candida yeast to replicate. It also interferes with the membrane functions of candida. Also, tea tree oil reduces candida yeast’s ability to stick to human cell surfaces. However, pregnant women should not try this remedy.

How to use?

  • Dilute tea tree oil with little olive oil and rub it over the affected area. Follow this remedy for a week to see effective results.
  • You can even try applying diluted tea tree oil to the lower part of the female reproductive tract using an applicator kind of tampon.


You need to dilute tea tree oil with olive oil. You should not use it directly as it is strong in nature.


Garlic possesses several medicinal benefits. It inhibits the growth of yeast and effectively treats yeast infections. Thanks to allicin, as it is helpful in reducing the growth of the biofilm and may even reduce candida yeast’s ability to react to common antifungal drugs. Allicin might even reduce candida yeast production by disrupting its membrane. However, garlic, when taken orally, might not show positive results on candida counts.

How to use?

Dilute garlic oil in vitamin E oil along with few drops of coconut oil. Stir it well and apply it over the affected area.


You must dilute garlic oil with vitamin E or coconut oil before applying it on the infected area. Don’t use garlic oil without diluting it.

Grapefruit seed extract:

Grapefruit seed extract has antifungal properties that help fight against candida yeast infections by killing those yeast cells. It maintains the balance of microflora.

How to use?

Rinse the lower part of the female reproductive tract. Add around sixteen drops of grapefruit seed extract to around sixteen ounces of water. Douche once every day for three days. Repeat the same every fifth day subsequently.


Don’t try this remedy, if you are pregnant, menstruating or having any irritation unless recommended by your physician.


This is an effective natural remedy helpful in treating yeast infections. When the normal pH balance is upset, yeast grows. Yeast and bacteria can’t survive in the acidic environment and yogurt helps in restoring its natural balance. Yogurt helps restore pH levels and generate hydrogen peroxide for killing yeast infections.

How to use?

  • You can have a cup of yogurt daily to keep acidic balance in check. Increasing consumption of yogurt, in your meals helps in killing the candida yeast in any parts of the body.
  • Apply some generous quantity of yogurt on the affected skin regions and leave it for an hour. Rinse it thoroughly. Repeat this procedure thrice a day and you can see visible results in less than a week.
  • Dip tampon in yogurt and insert it in the lower part of the female reproductive tract. Leave it overnight and rinse it off in the early morning. This is yet another effective procedure to treat yeast infections.


Yogurt has no side effects and is, in fact, very helpful in treating yeast infections.


Unsweetened cranberry juice might help in acidifying secretions to kill yeast infections. A compound in cranberry juice helps in preventing bacteria to cling on to the mucous membranes including urinary tract, mouth, and intestines. Cranberry juice is also effective in maintaining the normal pH levels of urine, thus preventing overgrowth of fungi. Drinking cranberry juice can help flush out yeast from your body.

How to use?

  • To clear yeast infections, prefer drinking unsweetened cranberry juice. Sweetened cranberry juice might worsen the condition as yeast survives on sugar.
  • Cranberry pills are also available and can be taken after consulting your physician.


Never use canned or sweetened cranberry juice because yeast and bacteria thrive on the sugary environment. Also, take cranberry pills only under your physician’s advice.

Apple cider vinegar:

ACV acts as a natural antibiotic in killing bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. It helps in maintaining the normal pH balance of the lower part of the female reproductive tract and helps prevent yeast infections as yeast can’t survive in a lower pH environment.

It even helps enhance good bacterium in the lower part of the female reproductive tract and intestine besides improving the immunity of body to fight against yeast infections. When taken orally, the enzymes in it help treat yeast infections.

How to use?

  • In a glass of warm water, add 1 or 2 tbsp of ACV. Consume it thrice a day and you can observe great results within few days.
  • Dip a cloth or cotton in ACV (5% or lesser acidic) and put it in the lower part of the female reproductive tract. You may even dilute ACV if you can’t tolerate its burning sensation. However, it is better to first test only on a smaller portion of the affected area before applying it on the total affected area.
  • Mix 3 tbsp of ACV in a cup of pure distilled water. Use it to douche. The Douching process will help reduce your symptoms such as discharge and itching at the first time of using this remedy. However, it is better to talk with your physician before trying this remedy.
  • You can even dip a tampon in ACV and put it in genital for at least 10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and you can see good improvement within a week.


Use only diluted ACV for treating yeast infections. However, to make sure this remedy works for you try it on the smaller portions of the infected areas.

Coconut oil:

Coconut oil is an excellent remedy in treating yeast infections. The anti-fungal properties in coconut oil can help in treating the yeast infections. It also contains lauric acid that has several properties in healing infections.

How to use?

Coconut oil can be applied topically on the infected area. Firstly, warm this coconut oil slightly and dip a cotton swab. Use this cotton swab to apply topically on the affected area as it helps control the growth of the yeast infections. You can dilute coconut oil with equal proportions of cinnamon oil. You can even dilute 5-10ml coconut oil with 8 cups of warm water and douche the infected area. However, you need to seek your doctor’s advice. Alternatively, you can intake a 5 ml of coconut oil daily along with your meals.


You can try this remedy, but make sure the oil is at room temperature. However, if you are having a yeast infection since many days, better consult your doctor.

Oregano oil:

Oregano oil is known for its antifungal properties helpful in boosting your immune system. Also, oregano oil has carvacrol that helps in fighting yeast infections. For treating yeast infections, it can be applied topically or taken as supplements.

How to use?

Oregano oil can cause skin irritation. So, better dilute it with olive oil or any carrier oil before applying it on the infected skin area. Or you can take 1-2 supplement capsules of oregano oil twice a day under your doctor’s supervision.


Never use oregano oil without diluting it as it causes irritation which might even worsen your condition.


Calendula herb has antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties helpful in inhibiting the growth of the yeast infections. Calendula helps in strengthening the liver and detoxifying the body.

How to use?

Crush a few calendula leaves and topically apply it on the infected area. Follow this remedy thrice a day for effective results. Alternatively, you can even prepare calendula tea by using calendula extracts.


Pregnant women must avoid taking calendula orally.


Using rosemary for inhibiting the growth of yeast infections is a great way to treat this condition. Rosemary is known for its antifungal properties and helps kill the fungi responsible for yeast infections.

How to use?

You can prepare rosemary tea and cool it down. Douche the infected area with it for effective results. However, you can even take vapor bath using rosemary herbs which will profuse perspiration and helps in detoxifying your body.


It is better to consult your doctor before trying out this remedy for treating a yeast infection.

Olive Leaf extracts:

Olive leaf extract contains antifungal, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties helpful in treating yeast infections effectively. It even helps restore the good bacteria in the body.

How to use?

Chop a few olive leaves and put them in a jar closed with a lid. Add vodka until the leaves are completely immersed in it. Store it for a period of 3-4 days in a cool dark place. Strain it and apply it on the infected area using a cotton swab. Follow this remedy thrice a day to see effective results.


You need to seek your doctor’s aid before trying out this remedy.

Slippery Elm Powder:

Slippery Elm powder is effective in treating irritation caused due to yeast infections. It helps soothe the itching when applied topically on the infected region.

How to use?

Take 2-3gm of slippery elm powder and mix it with water till it forms a paste with a medium consistency. Apply it topically on the affected region. You might even add cool aloe vera juice to the slippery elm powder and then apply it on the infected region. This remedy doesn’t help in killing the bacteria but helps in soothing the irritation.


Dilute slippery elm powder before usage. Whenever you try any such herbal remedies, better consult your doctor for advice.


Goldenseal in an incredible herb having antifungal and antibiotic compounds that are helpful in treating yeast infections. The active component known as berberine in goldenseal helps in inhibiting the growth of the bacteria. It plays a vital role in liver detoxification and helps stimulate the immune functioning. The roots of goldenseal help in eliminating yeast infections.

How to use?

The roots of this herb are used to prepare an herbal tea. Consuming it can help treat yeast infections by inhibiting the growth of bacteria. The root extract of this herb is also available in a liquid concoction. Take 2-3 drops of goldenseal extract in a glass of water. Drink it two-three times a day. However, start taking it in small doses.


If the liquid extract of this herb is used in large doses, it might harm your liver. Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers must avoid taking this herb. If this herb is used in excessive amounts, it causes nausea. So, pre-seek your physician advice before using it.

Lemongrass Oil:

Yeast infections create a biofilm which allows bacteria to grow. Using lemongrass oil helps in destroying this tough film and eliminates yeast infections.

How to use?

Dilute two drops of lemongrass essential oil in 10-15 drops of any carrier oils. Use this solution to apply on the infected region. You can even use a tampon dipped in this solution to treat yeast infections.


Don’t use lemongrass essential oil without diluting as it is strong in nature.

Dr. Anu Saini


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