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Looking for a natural boost to your skin-care regimen? Look no further! Loaded with cleansing and rejuvenating Ayurvedic herbs, this face wash is just the ticket for sultry summer days. Not only is the skin the largest organ of the body, but its porous nature absorbs roughly 64 percent of what we slather on. So it’s of utmost importance that what we put on our skin is high quality and of food grade. Think of your skin as ingesting and digesting the majority of what it comes into contact with. Used in many gluten-free alternatives these days, chickpea flour is the base for our face wash. Loaded with zinc, this chemical element can help ward off infections that lead to acne. Chickpeas are astringent in nature, and aid in reducing excess oil by balancing out the skin’s sebum. Chickpea flour is also known to treat hyper-pigmentation of the skin and is commonly used in India to minimize unwanted facial hair. Let’s take a look at the therapeutic...