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Caring for your Heart: The Holistic Approach of Ayurveda to a Healthy Heart ♥️

In Ayurveda, the heart (Hridaya) is considered as one of the most important organs responsible for maintaining overall health and well-being. The heart is the seat of consciousness (Atman) and plays a crucial role in the circulation of vital life force (Prana) and blood (Rakta) throughout the body. “In Eastern medicine, the heart, and not the brain, is the centre of consciousness. Therefore, any heart condition points to deep-rooted problems of self-identity, emotions and consciousness. “1 Western culture focuses on individual achievement and constant competition, rather than spiritual connection with others, so our hearts are sidelined and often replaced by ego. The lack of exercise and the consumption of fatty, spicy, fried food and lots of meat, typical of European cuisine, also puts a strain on the heart. In Hungary, cardiovascular disease accounted for 49% of deaths in 2019, or 64,000 deaths.2 Primary causes of heart problems include poor diet, stress, lack of exercise and suppr...

A Plan For the New Year !

Follow This Advice For a Happy & Prosperous Year !  Shop Sadhguru Books from Abebooks  

Herbal Digestive Remedies for Holiday Eating

  ’Tis that time of year.  You know…  When all of your best intentions about not scarfing down mass quantities of holiday delectables go out the door.  What to do when you’re at a holiday gathering and your belly is starting to bloat like a hot air balloon, but you forgot to wear stretchy pants?  Well, if you planned ahead, you take out your little brown bottle of digestive herbs. And what, specifically, would be in said bottle?  Here are a few tried and true ideas: 1. Before-You-Even-Begin Bitters Blend It’s best to prepare before that dinner party.  Use a bitters blend to help ready your belly for the onslaught! 1 part  ginger 1 part  cardamom 3 parts  burdock root 3 parts  dandelion root  You can blend liquid extracts of each.  Say, mixing 1/2 teaspoon (1 part) each of ginger and cardamom with one-and-a-half teaspoons (3 parts) each of burdock and dandelion root and stick it in a 1-ounce ti...

17 Delicious Christmas Snack Ideas 🎅🎄

Christmas is one of the best times of year for food lovers, so impress your friends and family this holiday season by trying some of these delicious Christmas themed snack ideas! Timestamps 0:07 - Crispy Marshmallow Mistletoe 0:57 - Strawberry Christmas Lights 1:27 - Candy Cane Chips 1:44 - Festive White Chocolate Share Board 2:21 - Chocolate Pretzel Reindeer 2:43 - Domino Biscuits 3:42 - The Grinch Pull Apart Cupcakes 4:46 - Cheesy Christmas Tree 5:33 - Christmas Dinner Yule Log 6:34 - Mini Christmas Stocking Sausages 7:00 - Santa Crackers 7:30 - Boiled Egg Snowmen 7:55 - Marshmallow Penguins 8:22 - Chocolate Christmas Tree Popsicles 8:55 - Festive Chocolate Spoons 9:35 - Chocolate Reindeer Cupcakes 9:53 - Glazed Snowflake Biscuits By : Craft Factory

Frankincense Oil 💛

Frankincense Essential Oil  is derived from Boswellia resin, frankincense tree (Boswellia Sacra or Boswellia Carteri). It is commonly used in aromatherapy for its anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, soothing and calming effects. Therapeutically, it is also beneficial for inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, cold, bronchitis, lung congestion, bad breath, toothache,oral infections, appetite, constipation, menstrual irregularity etc. COMPOSITION (ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS) The main Active Constituents of  Frankincense Essential Oil  are: ( 1 ) α-PINENE 2 – 64.7% β-PINENE 0.3 – 13.1% α-THUJENE 0.3 – 52.4% MYRCENE 1.1–22.4% SABINENE 0.5–7.0% LIMONENE 1.3–20.4% p-CYMENE 2.7–16.9% β-CARYOPHYLLENE 0.1–10.5% ACTANOL, INCENSYL ACETATE, NCENSOLE, BORNYL ACETATE, LINALOOL, OCTYL ACETATE, etc. are also found in Frankincense Oil. BENEFITS OF  FRANKINCENSE ESSENTIAL OIL Frankincense Oil  is used for cosmetic as well as therapeutic purposes. It provides benefits to the mind, brain, immune...

Juniper Berries 💙 (The Yoga Of Herbs)

JUNIPER BERRIES  Juniperus spy.; Coniferae (S)  Hapusha Part Used:  berries Energetics:  pungent, bitter, sweet/heating/pungent KV-P+ Tissues:  plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bone, marrow and nerves Systems:  urinary, respiratory, nervous, digestive Actions:  diuretic, diaphoretic, stimulant, carminative, analgesic, disinfectant, bactericidal Indications:  dropsy, edema, sciatica, lumbago, arthritis, rheumatism, swollen joints, diabetes, weak digestion, weak immune system, dysmenorrhea Precautions:  acute nephritis, cystitis, pregnancy Preparation:  infusion, powder (250 to 500 mg), paste JUNIPER BERRIES are one of the best diuretics for  Vata  constitution, as they also dispel excess  Vata  and improve digestion. They are also very good for  Kapha  but will aggravate  Pitta,  and so must be used with other diuretics with proper consideration. They are often given with demulcent diuretics, like marshm...

Salad Guide 🥗

                     A simple principle:   Vegetables  that are too sticky to hand or contain a high amount of starch should not be eaten in form of  salad . Secondly,  vegetables  that are known to cause a burning sensation like mustard leaves should also not be eaten as salad at night. Here is a table for recommended  vegetables  that you can eat in form of salad. I have also provided a few examples of restricted vegetables. Category Recommended Restricted Cruciferous Bok Choy, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Horseradish, Kohlrabi – Fruiting Tomatoes (all types), Bell Pepper or  Capsicums (green, red, yellow) Chilies, Eggplant, Tamarillo Leafy Green & Petiole Arugula, Celery leaves, Chicory green, Collard greens, Curry Leaves, Dandelion, Dill Leaves, Drumstick, Endive, Fenugreek Leaves, Kale (black, green, or red), Lettuce (all types), Mustard leaves, Parsley, Radish Gr...

13 Ways To Keep The Dentist Away ! 🙊

Our mouths experience so many pleasurable activities: kissing, tasting, talking, laughing. But they can also be a site for excruciating pain, from toothaches to gingivitis to those pesky, stress-related cold sores. Here’s the good news: Ayurveda offers simple, natural oral remedies and hygiene tips that you can try at home today. They’re easy to do and they’ll always leave a smile on your lips. 5 AYURVEDIC  ORAL  HYGIENE TIPS 1. GARGLE WITH WARM  SESAME OIL To beautify your teeth and gums, gargle with warm, organic, unrefined sesame oil (organic like this one ideally), then hold it in your mouth for one minute before expelling it. Next, apply some oil to your index finger and gently massage your gums. This whole process (the swishing and massaging) is called  kavala . It can prevent cavities and soothe an impacted wisdom tooth, receding gums, and sensitive teeth. 2. USE A  TONGUE SCRAPER In ancient ayurvedic literature, the tongue is called the organ of taste, s...

Best Salt For Daily Use

There is a lot of confusion regarding salt. Which  salt  is best for daily consumption? Does everyone need iodized salt? Which salt is best according to ayurveda? These are the most common questions, which I am going to address in this article. DO YOU REALLY NEED  IODIZED SALT ? First, start with the question – Does everyone need  iodized salt ? After observing Iodine deficiency in a few cases, the government forced everyone to use  iodized salt . The limited use of iodized salt might be okay for people with iodine deficiency. If you don’t have iodine deficiency, it can cause iodine toxicity. Excess iodine can cause the following side effects: Thyroid disorders. Infertility. High blood pressure. Joint pain. Headache. Thyroid suppression. A study has shown urinary excretion of iodine in subjects was low (about 12.8 mg/dl) when they did not use iodized salt. After using iodized salt for 7 days, urinary excretion of iodine was increased to 26.8 mg/dl, using for 14 ...

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11 Calming Herbs to keep your Mind Balanced 💆

          Life is hard. Every day it seems like a new challenge appears to test your patience. You may not realize that chronic stress can also lead to long-term health complications. Living in a constant state of fight-or-flight tells your body to produce too much cortisol which can lead to weight gain, diabetes, mood swings, fatigue, and many other conditions. ( 1 ) While it’s important to take steps to manage stress, certain calming herbs can help strengthen your body’s stress response. Adaptogens are some of the best calming herbs because studies show they might make your body and mind more resilient to external stress. Keep in mind that adaptogens don’t work like prescription drugs for anxiety in that they kick in instantly. Instead, they need a few weeks to build up in your system before you notice the effects. When you need something in a pinch, however, other herbs and  essential oils  – like lavender oil – can ease symptoms almost instantly. 1...

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