I am a Vata /Pitta. He is a Kapha. What should I know about our doshas to facilitate our love, communication, and sex life? In this post, I’ll introduce you to the best Ayurvedic Love Tips for Healthier Relationships for Vata, Pitta, and Kapha so you can thrive with your love. In Ayurveda, we are generally categorized in three doshas, depending on our physical, mental, and emotional characteristics. These are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. If you don’t know yours yet, do this quiz . Going a little dipper, we can find more than just one dominant dosha. In my case, I am Vata/Pitta. And I am married to a Kapha sweet man. We’ve been happily together for over 11 years and let me tell you, the tips you’ll find here today, do help. In our relationship, I am the crazy one. And he is the calm to my storm. I come up with lots of ideas —crazy ideas. He makes them work, for the most part, after carefully organizing the logistic and financial aspects. I am impatient . He waits for me until I...
provides a wide range of benefits to you. It’s no surprise meditation
can help with stress, and along those lines it also has positive effects
on blood pressure and mental health. For example, meditation can
improve anxiety and depression. Some studies even suggest that
meditation can help with focus and lessen chronic pain. And the good
news is meditating just five minutes per day five days per week is
enough to see some benefit!
all the good stuff we know, it can still be difficult to commit to a
meditation practice. If you’re struggling to get started
or just looking to change up your current routine, check out these
different meditation types to find one that fits you just right.
1. Walking Meditation
this type of meditation, you walk slowly while paying attention to your
body, its movements, and any sensations you notice. You often see
people walking through labyrinths for meditation,
but the truth is you can start anywhere: your backyard, a trail, a
path, or a park, for example. Be mindful while you walk. Instead of
thinking about where you’re going, think about what each step feels
like. If you’re able to go barefoot,
even better—notice your connection to the Earth. You can even work on
doing this when walking to work or through the parking lot—instead of
letting your mind race ahead or obsessively go through your to do list,
pay attention to your body as it moves you through your day.
TRY THIS MEDITATION…if you find it difficult to sit still long enough to meditate.
2. Mantra Meditation
meditation involves taking a specific sound or word and quietly or
silently repeating it to yourself. “OM” is often used, but you can
choose whatever you like. You may choose to repeat a specific trait
you’re working on, like “love,” “joy,” or “kind.” As you comfortably
sit and repeat your word silently to yourself, the quiet sound creates
subtle vibrations through your body. These vibrations can be healing;
they can even lift your mood. You don’t have to do this for long to
benefit either—try it in your car before you head into work for the day
or while in the shower.
TRY THIS MEDITATION…if you are an auditory learner or have specific things you’re working on and can use as a mantra.
3. Guided Meditation
doing a guided meditation, you listen to someone read a script that
walks your imagination through a peaceful scenario while you calmly
breathe. Thanks to the internet, guided meditations are easy to find.
Often, they’ll involve walking you through a forest or along a beach;
water is a frequent feature. Try different ones and see which evokes
the most calmness in you. Science has shown us that many times your
body will respond to imagery in your head, even if your physical body
isn’t experiencing it. This meditation utilizes that theory to help
instill in you the peacefulness of a beach on vacation even when you’re
in the midst of a hectic work day.
TRY THIS MEDITATION…if the thought of an “empty mind” is too daunting or you like to think in pictures.
4. Body Scan Meditation
this meditation, you start at your feet (you can start at your head
instead) and progressively go up through each body part, focusing on
releasing tension and noticing sensations in each part as you proceed.
You may find it more helpful to tense and then relax each body part, if
“just relaxing” is too difficult. Don’t forget the jaw, tongue, and
scalp—if you make it that far without falling asleep, that is. (This is
a great meditation if you’re lying in bed with a racing mind and sleep
eludes you.)
TRY THIS MEDITATION…if you battle chronic pain or have trouble feeling fully in your body.
5. Loving-Kindness Meditation
idea behind loving-kindness meditation is to work on cultivating a
feeling of compassion, love, and kindness towards all other people. You
focus your mind on opening to receive loving-kindness,
and then you focus your mind and heart on projecting loving-kindness
out into the world. You can visualize specific people in your mind and
image projecting loving-kindness on to them—your loved ones are easy,
but work on doing the same for colleagues who cause you stress or people
you dislike.
TRY THIS MEDITATION…if you find you have a short-temper or have trouble connecting to other people.
6. Mindfulness Meditation
really just means being aware of your Self in the present moment
without judgment. This means you focus on your breath and notice your
thoughts and feelings but you stay an observer, withholding judgment. Mindfulness meditation
can be especially useful if you find it difficult to empty your mind
and then beat yourself up over it, which causes more thoughts to invade
your mind and entirely derail your meditation session. Instead of
spiraling or applying judgment to that thought or feeling you have, just
notice it. Let it float into your head, give it a nod, and then let it
float out. If it hangs out for awhile, that’s ok; just notice it
hanging out there and don’t apply any value or judgment to it. It
simply is. The good news about this meditation is you can do it
anywhere and for any length of time—sometimes 90 seconds is enough to
interrupt your thought patterns and reset your mood.
TRY THIS MEDITATION…if you harbor a lot of self-criticism or consider yourself “too busy” to meditate (you can do it anywhere, anytime!).
How To Squeeze Meditation Into Every Day
might think there’s no way you can squeeze meditating into your already
busy schedule—but you’re wrong! Here are some ways to incorporate
little spurts of meditation into your day.
- When you’re stuck in line somewhere, try a quick loving-kindness meditation. Send loving-kindness to the employees, the other customers, etc. Imagine love and compassion radiating from your heart to them.
- When you’re brushing your teeth, try a quick body scan meditation. Notice the movements of your hands and wrists, the taste of the toothpaste, and the feel of the toothbrush on your teeth and gums. You can also go beyond the toothbrushing act—scan down through your arms to your torso and down to your feet.
- When you’re doing the dishes, try a quick mindfulness meditation. Focus on how the warm, soapy water feels on your hands, the scent of the dish soap you’re using, the texture of the dishes.
- When you’re running or on the treadmill, try a quick mantra meditation. You can time it with your stride so that you’re repeating the mantra in rhythm with your footsteps to further emphasize the vibrations and repetition.
- When you’re commuting or folding clothes, try a guided meditation. Note: Only try this during your commute if you’re not driving! Put on your headphones and pull up a guided meditation to ensure that you’re in full-on relax mode by the time you get home. Alternatively, when you’re facing down some laundry that needs folding, turn on a guided meditation. You’ll feel like you’re in the middle of nature instead of a pile of laundry.
- When you’re walking your dog or waiting for your kid to finish practice, try a walking meditation. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy…start walking and simply notice the sensations and movements in your body. Walk as slowly or as quickly as you like.
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