In Ayurveda, the heart (Hridaya) is considered as one of the most important organs responsible for maintaining overall health and well-being. The heart is the seat of consciousness (Atman) and plays a crucial role in the circulation of vital life force (Prana) and blood (Rakta) throughout the body. “In Eastern medicine, the heart, and not the brain, is the centre of consciousness. Therefore, any heart condition points to deep-rooted problems of self-identity, emotions and consciousness. “1 Western culture focuses on individual achievement and constant competition, rather than spiritual connection with others, so our hearts are sidelined and often replaced by ego. The lack of exercise and the consumption of fatty, spicy, fried food and lots of meat, typical of European cuisine, also puts a strain on the heart. In Hungary, cardiovascular disease accounted for 49% of deaths in 2019, or 64,000 deaths.2 Primary causes of heart problems include poor diet, stress, lack of exercise and suppr...
What do the seasons mean for your dosha?
Ayurvedic advice isn’t static, it changes according to the time of year.
your Ayurvedic body type, or dosha, can really help you to determine
how to cope with seasonal changes. In Ayurveda, there are three
different body types or constitutions known as doshas: kapha, pitta and
vata, which can be defined by particular patterns of behaviour and
physical characteristics.
Here is a little insight into how each
dosha can make the most of summer, remember to click below to get more
detail on each dosha:
Vata types are exposed to higher levels of heat and sunshine in the summer, which means a naturally drier environment. For a vata, this means the onset of dry conditions such as hot, dry itchy skin conditions like eczema or dry coughs.
Pitta types
are those most affected by the summer season, because this is the
season with the highest levels of heat and therefore fire. When
a pitta becomes out of balance they suffer from characteristically ‘hot’
conditions such as heartburn, high blood pressure, fevers and skin
rashes. You may also notice a change in their temperament, becoming more
irritated, angry and frustrated in the ‘heat of the moment’. The key is
to keep them cool and calm.
Kapha types are
most aggravated in cold and damp environments. So, actually, the summer
season can be very balancing for those with a strong kapha dominance
because they benefit from hot and dry and environments and may feel
more energised during the summer. But, remember that kapha is
constitutionally cool and damp, so they may struggle with intense heat
and find it uncomfortable, even if it’s good for them!
Vata types
are dominated by air, which means that the seasonal changes occurring
during autumn, where wind increases and the weather becomes cooler and
drier, can really aggravate this dosha. Vata is the constitution
that's most at risk of becoming out of balance during the autumn months.
Like a sudden gust of wind can cause you to lose your balance, the
vata constitution is also at risk from losing their stability.
Pitta types
are at most risk of being tipped out of balance in the hotter months of
late spring and summer. As the temperature begins to slowly drop, the
cool autumn air can often help balance your typically hot and fiery pitta types. Autumn is a good season for the pitta dosha allowing them to release some of the excess pitta accumulated during the hot summer months.
Kapha types
are naturally cool and damp. Autumn is cooling and drying, so, the cool
dry air can actually help keep a kapha less congested. The risk of
being tipped out of balance can occur towards the end of the autumn
months, during the onset of winter, so it’s important to keep the cold
out throughout the autumn.
Vata types are
naturally cold and dry and can become aggravated by the increased cold
of winter. It’s important for them to stay warm at all times, keeping a
regular sleeping pattern, and incorporate earthy spices and foods.
Pitta types often prefer a cooler climate as it helps keep their inner thermostat at bay. So, winter can be a good season for the pitta dosha allowing them to release any excess accumulated heat. However,
they still need to keep their core body temperature warm and balanced
to protect their internal organs, especially when living in climates
where winter is long and prolonged.
Kapha types are
affected by the cold, dark and often wet winters. The risk of being
tipped out of balance can occur towards the end of the autumn months and
the early onset of winter. So, it’s really important for kapha types to
stay warm throughout the winter. Out of all three dosha’s, the kapha
dosha is the one most prone to feeling the cold, so if you are
dominantly kapha, remember to take plenty of layers out with you when
you brave the outdoors.
Vata types
may like spring, but vata is at risk of becoming out of balance during
this season as both are associated with movement and change. And, of
course, spring is all about new growth and life. A vata may become
carried away in the moment and leave the spring season with a feeling of
low energy and exhaustion. For a vata, spring is the prime time to find
Pitta types
are often balanced in early spring but may become more out of balance
as we move towards the heat of the summer. This is a reflection of the
seasonal warmth that begins to accumulate and exacerbate pitta fire. For
those with a more dominant pitta constitution, it’s the latter part of
the spring months that will need your attention.
Kapha types are
the ones most at risk of becoming out of balance in the early spring.
During the winter we accumulate cold and damp and, as the warmth of
spring starts to creep in, the cool begins to thaw and our body becomes
congested and flooded. This can be a trigger for the onset of typical
spring afflictions such as colds and hay-fever. balance your dosha , get Pukka Teas from iHerb
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