In Ayurveda, the heart (Hridaya) is considered as one of the most important organs responsible for maintaining overall health and well-being. The heart is the seat of consciousness (Atman) and plays a crucial role in the circulation of vital life force (Prana) and blood (Rakta) throughout the body. “In Eastern medicine, the heart, and not the brain, is the centre of consciousness. Therefore, any heart condition points to deep-rooted problems of self-identity, emotions and consciousness. “1 Western culture focuses on individual achievement and constant competition, rather than spiritual connection with others, so our hearts are sidelined and often replaced by ego. The lack of exercise and the consumption of fatty, spicy, fried food and lots of meat, typical of European cuisine, also puts a strain on the heart. In Hungary, cardiovascular disease accounted for 49% of deaths in 2019, or 64,000 deaths.2 Primary causes of heart problems include poor diet, stress, lack of exercise and suppr...
Thought for the day:
Trees are the earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven.
-Rabindranath Tagore
Pine oil has such a great honor as it can garland anybody with the bliss and blessedness of the Christmas occasion at any given time. Apart from its use in Christmas decoration, Pine tree and the essential oil extracted from its needles through steam distillation method has many uses in the field of Complementary and Alternative medicine and in household cleaning. There are many species of Pine trees and the common ones used for essential oil extraction are Pinus sylvestris, Pinus alba, Pinus pinea and Pinus pinaster.
Trees are the earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven.
-Rabindranath Tagore
Pine oil has such a great honor as it can garland anybody with the bliss and blessedness of the Christmas occasion at any given time. Apart from its use in Christmas decoration, Pine tree and the essential oil extracted from its needles through steam distillation method has many uses in the field of Complementary and Alternative medicine and in household cleaning. There are many species of Pine trees and the common ones used for essential oil extraction are Pinus sylvestris, Pinus alba, Pinus pinea and Pinus pinaster.
The book Ayurveda and Aromatherapy by Bryan Miller and Light Miller
quotes Pine oil as “The world’s largest production of any one essential oil is Pine. It is known to be a stimulant, helping people to be comfortable with any situation”.
quotes Pine oil as “The world’s largest production of any one essential oil is Pine. It is known to be a stimulant, helping people to be comfortable with any situation”.
With similar properties like Eucalyptus oil, Pine oil was used as a
strong medicinal aid in many traditional healing practices including
Ayurveda for treating chronic respiratory problems like pneumonia and
Historical importance of Pine tree and its essential oil:
the father of Western medicine used Pine in the treatment of pulmonary
conditions and established its healing effects on the respiratory
system. Pine oil was recommended by the ancient physician Pliny for
treating respiratory and lung problems.
The Native Americans chewed the needles of the Pine tree to defend against scurvy. They also used the clean-scented Pine needles on their bed to ward off fleas, lice and bed bugs. The highly ornamental timber of Pinus pinaster also known as Maritime pine
was used in making furniture, building frames, panels, internal
flooring, veneers, particle board etc. The pinecones are also used as
Christmas decorations.
Chemical constituents or Gas Chromatography Report (GC) of Pine Scotch oil:
According to the Gas chromatography report, Pine Scotch oil
constitutes of 15 chemical components that contribute to its fragrance,
therapeutic attributes, consistency and quality of this oil. Of which,
alpha-Pinene contributes to the highest proportion of Pine Scotch oil
constituents with about 34.7% of its total composition.
Just click on:
I believe that this must certainly help you in getting to know the
exclusive information about these prime chemical constituents of Pine
Scotch oil.
The table crafted below clearly depicts the unique nature and
contributions of these biochemical constituents to the healing
magnificence of Pine Scotch essential oil.
Therapeutic properties of Pine essential oil:
The therapeutic values of Pine pinaster oil are anti-inflammatory,
expectorant, restorative, stimulant, antiviral, antibacterial,
circulatory, decongestant, disinfectant, analgesic and deodorant. The
bark of this tree contains Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin Complexes
(OPC’s) that make it an effective antioxidant that can fight against
free radicals responsible for cancerous diseases.
Ayurvedic health benefits of Pine essential oil:
Ayurveda is a common sense science that considers illness as an
opportunity to trace what is out of balance and what is the actual root
cause for an illness. Ayurvedic remedies aim at treating the individual
as a whole and the root cause of the disease instead of the disease
alone. This helps in preventing illnesses in the future and paves way
for healthy aging and longevity.
According to this traditional methodology, same medicine is not given
to two individuals even if they have the same health problem because
Ayurveda trusts that every individual is unique with a special
combination of energy elements known as vata, pitta and kapha doshas and every person needs a unique treatment based on their individual constitution.
Every human being will have a predominance of any one of these
doshas, which determines his/her personality. Dosha imbalance is the
major reason for all kinds of sickness. Among the three doshas, Pine
essential oil has the power to reduce surplus of vata and kapha and
treat pitta deficiency.
1. Soothes respiratory problems:
5 drops of Pine essential oil added to steam inhalation helps you in
treating sinusitis, cough and cold. The decongestant and expectorant
properties of this oil aids in breaking up the mucus deposits and
expelling it from the lungs.
Painful cough, congestion, flu, bronchitis, blocked nose, chest
congestion, asthma and sinus infections can be treated with this natural
aid. You can also mix 2 drops of Pine oil with 2 drops of Eucalyptus
oil in a base of coconut oil for using it as a rub or in warm bath for
lessening the effects of such respiratory infections.
2. Alleviates stress:
The sweet, slightly balsamic, evergreen, woody and fresh aroma of Pine essential oil instills a warm feeling of newness on the mind. The aromatic molecules in the essential oil that pass through the nasal passages reach the limbic system
of the human brain, where emotions, feelings and responses are
controlled. This aids in transforming the relaxing, calming,
invigorating, balancing, detoxifying, uplifting, strengthening and
energizing effects of Pine essential oil on the mind and body.
This makes Pine essential oil as an excellent mood enhancer and makes
it a powerful remedy in alleviating mental strain, stiffness, stress,
fatigue, nervous tension and fear. Pine oil is known to help people remember the ways to get along with the flow of life; just like the Pine tree does by the ebb of the sea.
It is for this reason Pine essential oil is a proven remedy in
treating memory loss and lack of concentration power. Inhaling the aroma
of the divine Pine oil by adding 3 to 4 drops in your diffuser,
potpourri, pillows or to a napkin aids in granting emotional stability
and the power to go on and on.
3. Reduces pain and boosts metabolism:
Pine essential oil has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties
that aids in treating rheumatic pain, muscular aches, stiff joints and
arthritis. Massaging the affected area with 5 to 6 drops of Pine oil
added to soothing carrier oils like sesame oil or coconut oil followed
by a hot bath blended with 3 drops of Pine oil can grant you relief from
all kinds of pain. This massaging also helps in boosting your
metabolism and stimulates the process of digestion. Pine essential oil
is also used as a diuretic for eliminating water retention and toxins
from your body.
4. Fights against bacteria and other harmful organisms:
A 2001 study on ‘Chemical and Antimicrobial Properties of Essential Oils of Five Moroccan Pinaceae’ suggested that the examination of the antibacterial activity witnessed that the essential
oils of Pinus pinaster and Pinus pinea demonstrated a definite activity
against all types of organisms tested and also possess a remarkable
antiseptic activity.
5 drops of Pine essential oil blended with carrier oils like almond
oil can be used in massaging, in bath or as a topical application for
inhibiting the growth of bacteria, fungi, virus and certain other
harmful organisms. This aids in protecting one from skin infections,
urinary tract infections, bacterial infections and viral infections like
flu and cold.
5. Protects the skin:
As a natural antiseptic, astringent, circulatory, antiviral,
restorative and antibacterial oil, Pine essential oil is known for
treating an extensive range of skin problems like acne, burns,
psoriasis, athlete’s foot, dry scaly skin, boils, itching, eczema and
wounds. You can add 4 drops of Pine essential oil to your antiseptic
cream or skin care lotion and apply it on the affected part for quicker
Tremendous health benefits of the bark extract of Pinus pinaster:
Apart from the essential oil, the extracts from the bark of the Pinus
pinaster tree has gained great recognition for its effectiveness in
treating a wide range of illnesses.
A recent research on ‘Pharmaceutical and nutraceutical effects of Pinus pinaster bark extract’ proved that “P. pinaster bark extract (PBE) contains polyphenolic compounds
(these compounds consist of catechin, taxifolin, procyanidins of
various chain lengths formed by catechin and epicatechin units, and
phenolic acids) capable of producing diverse potentially protective effects against chronic and degenerative diseases.”
This extract was also evidenced with anti-inflammatory effects,
cholesterol-lowering effects, antimicrobial and antiviral effects,
benefits for cardiovascular system, venous disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), allergy and asthma, menstrual disorders, pregnancy associated pain and endometriosis.
Essential oils are highly concentrated liquids that can cause
irritation of the skin and mucous membranes when used undiluted. It
should always be used after diluting in carrier oils. Do not take
essential oils internally as it may be harmful for your system. Consult
your Ayurvedic practitioner before using essential oils for your unique
individual constitution.
Gas Chromatography Report (GC analysis) of Pine Scotch oil.
Pine Scotch Essential Oil – Possible Skin Issues:
Greener Life Diamond – Bio-Healthy Score => 3 – Possible Skin Issues:
See =>
The essential oil of Pine Scotch is said to cause mild skin
irritation, contact dermatitis, sensitization, allergic reactions and
irritation of the mucous membrane. It has been certified as GRAS
(Generally Regarded As Safe) by the FEMA (Flavouring Extract
Manufacturers’ Association). The chief chemical components responsible
for the adverse skin impacts of Pine Scotch oil are Ξ±-pinene,
delta-3-carene and limonene, mainly due to their autoxidation effects.
Certain studies report the effects of Pine scotch oil on contact dermatitis and sensitivity. When used in large doses Ξ±-pinene has the potent to cause
irritation of the mucous membrane, kidney damage, CNS (Central Nervous
System) depression, growth of benign tumors, skin sensitization,
allergies and irritation.
According to the Food and Cosmetic Toxicology edition (1976) by L.J. Opdyke, Pine Scotch oil sensitizing and irritating to certain individuals and is nonphototoxic in nature.
When tested on repeated dermatitis patients at 2%, this oil provoked
allergic reactions in about 12 members of the 1606 tested.
As Pine scotch oil has the tendency to irritate the lining of the
mucous membrane during inhalation, it is good to avoid this oil if you
have asthma, allergies in the respiratory passages and bronchial
The International Fragrance Association (IFRA) claims Pine Scotch oil as a sensitizing oil.
Pine Scotch oil is recommended only for dermal use and not for
ingestion. Besides being proved as an effective cytotoxic agent (fights
against cancerous cells), certain studies have witnessed the renal
failure, genotoxic and acute toxicity effects of the ingestion of Pine scotch oil.
Never use Pine scotch oil in an undiluted form and make certain that
you always blend essential oils with gentle carrier oils like coconut
oil and olive oil, as organic essential oils are very concentrated and
may cause negative effects on the eyes, skin and the body. Stay safe by
using diluted Pine scotch oil and avoid using it on allergies, damaged
skin, eyes and inflammatory skin conditions.
It is better to avoid the use of Pine scotch oil if you are pregnant
or nursing as there is insufficient information on the safe use of this
oil during these sensitive times when the system experience enormous
changes in the hormonal functions.
These possible skin issues are applicable only for leave-on products
like creams and lotions and not for rinse-off products like soaps,
shampoos and other bath preparations. can get pine products from iHerb
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