In Ayurveda, the heart (Hridaya) is considered as one of the most important organs responsible for maintaining overall health and well-being. The heart is the seat of consciousness (Atman) and plays a crucial role in the circulation of vital life force (Prana) and blood (Rakta) throughout the body. “In Eastern medicine, the heart, and not the brain, is the centre of consciousness. Therefore, any heart condition points to deep-rooted problems of self-identity, emotions and consciousness. “1 Western culture focuses on individual achievement and constant competition, rather than spiritual connection with others, so our hearts are sidelined and often replaced by ego. The lack of exercise and the consumption of fatty, spicy, fried food and lots of meat, typical of European cuisine, also puts a strain on the heart. In Hungary, cardiovascular disease accounted for 49% of deaths in 2019, or 64,000 deaths.2 Primary causes of heart problems include poor diet, stress, lack of exercise and suppr...
Ayurveda - the natural way to relax, detoxify & rejuvenate! You can avail the authentic Ayurvedic therapies in its purity and perfection at the Panchakarma Center.
Ayurveda is a holistic medicine which has been practiced in India for at
least 5,000 years. Nowadays Ayurveda has emerged as an alternative
system of medicine with absolutely no side effects. As a holistic
approach to health, Ayurveda is designed to help people live long,
healthy, and well-balanced lives. Ayurveda concentrates on maintaining
balance in the body, mind, and consciousness through proper drinking,
diet, and lifestyle, as well as herbal remedies.
In Ayurveda the body is said to consist of three humours (derived from
five elements) viz. Vata, Pitta and Kapha. When the balance of these
three humours is disturbed diseases are caused. The elimination of waste
products is done to balance the level of Vata, Pitta, Kapha and the
state of mental health. Strict self discipline is essential to maintain
good health and to avoid and prevent illness and disease.
Through its well known Sodhana or purification therapy called
Panchakarma – Ayurveda cures disease and ailments from its origin.
Panchakarma is often used to treat the cause and not the symptoms.
Ayurveda is as well an excellent rejuvenative therapy and a wholesome
prescription to mankind for living to the fullest in close communion
with nature. Herbal medicines are used in Ayurvedic procedures.
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