Want to keep warm and have your skin thrive this winter season? Let’s see what trusty old Ayurveda has got to say about warm foods you should consume during the harsh winters! When the word winter comes to mind, the first thing which pops up is a hot cup of your favourite brew or your mother’s famous warm delicacy. Did you now that the food we eat is closely associated with the weather? Ritucharya is an ancient Ayurvedic practice and is comprised of two words, “Ritu” which means season and “charya” which means Regimen or discipline. Ritucharya consists of lifestyle and ayurvedic diet routine to cope with the bodily and mental impacts caused by seasonal changes as recommended by Ayurveda. Ritucharya is a powerful, health giving ayurvedic tool that helps us live according to the changes in season and make internal adjustments so that our doshas are in a state of balance. People do not know or ignore the suitable types of food stuffs to be followed in particular season, this ...
- Part Used: root
- Energetics: bitter, pungent/cooling/pungent PK-V+
- Tissues: plasma, blood
- Systems: circulatory, lymphatic, respiratory
- Actions: alterative, diaphoretic, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, analgesic
- Indication: toxic conditions of the blood, blood poisoning, gangrene, eczema, poisonous bites or stings, venereal diseases, prostatitis, infection, wounds, abscesses
- Precautions: anemia, vertigo, high Vata
- Preparation: infusion (hot or cold), powder (250 mg to 1 g), tincture
ECHINACEA is probably
the best detoxifying agent in western
herbalism. It is a
natural herbal antibiotic and counters the effects of most poisons in the body. It cleanses the blood and lymph
systems, catalyzes the action of the white blood cells and helps arrest pus
formation and tissue putrefaction. In terms of Ayurveda, it is used in destroying Atna.
Its usage is somewhat similar
to golden seal, but whereas
golden seal acts more
on the g.i. tract, echinacea is stronger on the blood and the lungs, for colds, flus, etc. Echinacea is less depleting on the body than golden seal, and so is preferable
for more long term usage.
For lung infections, it combines well with its relative, elecampane. Where it may cause dizziness or ungroundedness, it
can be combined with licorice or marshmallow. Unlike
golden seal, echinacea
can be used in normal
dosages, but care must be taken to get the plant fairly fresh
(it loses its potency in six months or less), which is why a tincture
is often preferable.
It can
be used externally as a poultice or wash for toxic bites or infectious sores.
You can get Echinacea tablets from iHerb https://fas.st/9eXTZB
You can get Echinacea tablets from iHerb https://fas.st/9eXTZB
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