The concept of detoxifying the body has become popular in the modern era. But if we take a closer look, we’ll find that Ayurvedic vaidyas have been touting the benefits detoxification for thousands of years. Unlike modern detoxification goals, however, when using Ayurveda for detox , you are not limited to the digestive system and body — to function smoothly, effectively, and without impairment, the body, mind, and spirit must all be in harmony. Ama , Agni and Detoxification If we look at digestion through an Ayurvedic lens, we would understand that finding balance through the right kinds of foods, a centered lifestyle, and de-stressing techniques would all contribute to good health. The Sanskrit word for this harmonious state is Agni , the first word written in the Vedas. Its antithesis is Ama , which points to a toxic buildup. Ama results not only from dietary issues, but also from emotional, mental, and spiritual imbalances. Fortunately, Ayurveda has a prescription that has
Why You Should Be Eating Ghee, Plus How to Make It
to Ayurveda, ghee, or clarified butter, has the healing benefits of
butter without the impurities. Learn how it can fight inflammation,
promote flexibility, enhance digestion, bolster the immune system, and
What Is Ghee?
places ghee, or clarified butter, at the top of the oily foods list, as
it has the healing benefits of butter without the impurities (saturated
fat, milk solids).
Ghee is made by heating unsalted butter until
it clarifies into its separate components: lactose (sugar), milk
protein, and fat. Over a low flame, the moisture is removed, and the
sugar and protein separate into curds that sink to the bottom and are
later discarded, Suzanne VanGilder reports in Gold Standard.
India, ghee is a sacred symbol of auspiciousness used medicinally as
well as in cooking, VanGilder reports. It also makes appearances in
ancient texts including the Mahabharata, in which it is described as an essence flowing through and sustaining the world.
The Health Benefits of Ghee
The Sushruta Samhita,
an Ayurvedic classic, claims ghee is beneficial for the whole body, and
recommends it as the ultimate remedy for problems stemming from the
pitta dosha, such as inflammation.
Long a favorite of yoga practitioners, ghee lubricates the connective tissues and promotes flexibility,
says Dr. Vasant Lad, director of the Ayurvedic Institute in
Albuquerque, New Mexico. Traditionally, the preparation has been used to
promote memory, intelligence, quantity and quality of semen, and to
enhance digestion. Modern science tells us that ghee also harbors
phenolic antioxidants, which bolster the immune system.
Ghee is
believed to assist with digestion by allowing food to be broken down
more efficiently, by stimulating digestive enzymes, Linda Knittel
reports in Benefits of Ghee: Why You Should Add It to Your Diet.
In Ayurveda, ghee is also believed to enhance ojas, or "life energy.”
centuries, ghee has been considered a rasayana, which means a healing
food that balances both body and mind," Shubhra Krishan, author of Essential Ayurveda, tells Knittel.
Even better than ghee is aged ghee—up to 100 years—which treats
alcoholism, epilepsy, fever, and vaginal pain, according to Ayurvedic
physician Robert Svoboda. Medicated ghee (ghrita in Sanskrit), meanwhile, combines clarified butter with healing herbs.
benefits extend to topical use as well. Ayurvedic beauty expert Pratima
Raichur suggests it as a massage base to calm sensitive pitta-type
skin. The Indian Materia Medica, a widely respected source book
for Ayurvedic remedies, recommends ghee, sometimes mixed with honey, as
an application for wounds, inflammation, and blisters.
Ghee also contains known vitamin E and beta carotene, which are known antioxidants.
Recipe: How to Make Ghee
You'll find ghee at the health food store, but it's easy to make. Place
1 to 2 pounds of butter in a saucepan on low heat. Melt until white
curds separate and sink to the bottom. When a drop of water flicked into
the pan boils immediately, the ghee is done. Discard the curds and
store in a jar. If kept out of contact with water, ghee needs no
refrigeration for 12 months, though some people prefer to refrigerate
Ghee is not often recommended for cooking, because it is considered too heavy and heat can alter its chemical structure. Essential Ayurveda
author Krishan adds one to two teaspoons per day to her meals, stirring
a teaspoon into freshly cooked rice, spreading it on toast, or using it
to top a baked potato. Or you could take 2 teaspoons per day as a
You could also blend a teaspoon of ghee into your tea,
coffee, oatmeal, or smoothie, or use melted ghee instead of butter to
top popcorn or sautéed veggies, according to John Douillard, co-leader of Yoga Journal’s Ayurveda 101 online course.
Just remember that ghee is fat, and only a
certain amount of total fat is necessary in the diet. If you use ghee,
reduce your total fat intake proportionately.
You can get Indian Ghee from iHerb
You can get Indian Ghee from iHerb
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