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Caring for your Heart: The Holistic Approach of Ayurveda to a Healthy Heart ♥️

In Ayurveda, the heart (Hridaya) is considered as one of the most important organs responsible for maintaining overall health and well-being. The heart is the seat of consciousness (Atman) and plays a crucial role in the circulation of vital life force (Prana) and blood (Rakta) throughout the body. “In Eastern medicine, the heart, and not the brain, is the centre of consciousness. Therefore, any heart condition points to deep-rooted problems of self-identity, emotions and consciousness. “1 Western culture focuses on individual achievement and constant competition, rather than spiritual connection with others, so our hearts are sidelined and often replaced by ego. The lack of exercise and the consumption of fatty, spicy, fried food and lots of meat, typical of European cuisine, also puts a strain on the heart. In Hungary, cardiovascular disease accounted for 49% of deaths in 2019, or 64,000 deaths.2 Primary causes of heart problems include poor diet, stress, lack of exercise and suppr...

Vegetable Guide

We recommend taking a variety of vegetables daily. Which vegetables should you take in raw form? Which should you eat only after cooking? Which is the best method to cook vegetables? What is the appropriate amount for vegetables? Let us dig in.


  1. Variety: Include a variety of vegetables. Choose different colours of vegetables.
  2. Eat Different Vegetables: Eat at least 3 different vegetables daily. Choose vegetables from different vegetable groups.
  3. Eat more salad: 60% of total vegetable intake should be from non-starchy vegetables. Eat it in raw uncooked and natural form.
  4. 40% Cooked: 40% of total vegetable intake should in cooked form. Boiling is the best cooking method for vegetables.
  5. Eat Seeds and Nuts with Veggies.
  6. Boil starchy vegetables and vegetables with high oxalate content: Boil starchy vegetables (e.g., potatoes, yam, butternut, pumpkin, zucchini, etc.) and high oxalate vegetables (e.g., spinach, beet greens, swiss chard, purple amaranth, and green amaranth, Colocasia. Boiling reduces oxalate content and aids in easier digestion of these vegetables.

    You should consider your appetite and metabolism to analyze how much food should be suitable for you. At least 25% of your plate should be vegetables. We also provide a reference for a recommended vegetable amount according to age, as below. You can consider it while deciding.

    Standard Serving Size

    Vegetable Type1 Serving Size equal to:
    Raw Vegetables150 grams
    Cooked Vegetables75 grams
    Dry Vegetable powder **30 grams

    We do not recommend dry vegetables. If you eat dry powder of vegetables, you should not take more than once a week.

    Daily Recommended Servings

    The following table represents the serving size for fresh (raw uncooked) vegetables.

    Age Group (in years)Daily Recommended Servings
    1-21 Serving (150 g)
    2-31 ½ Serving (225 g)
    4-82 Servings (300 g)
    9-112 ½ Servings (375 g)
    12-143 Servings (450 g)
    15 – 184 Servings (600 g)
    19 – 705 Servings (750 g)
    70+4 Servings (600 g)
    Pregnant5 Servings (750 g)
    Lactating5 Servings (750 g)

    The above table applies either if you only eat raw vegetables or following the Healing Phase Diet (Phase 1).

    For cooked vegetables, serving size reduces to half. For example, raw carrot serving size is 150 grams, for cooked carrot, it will be 75 grams.

    Raw and Cooked Vegetables

    You should take 60% of total vegetables in raw form and 40% in cooked form. Here is a table for a recommended daily amount.

    Age Group (in years)Raw VegetablesCooked Vegetables
    1-290 grams30 grams
    2-3135 grams45 grams
    4-8180 grams60 grams
    9-11225 grams75 grams
    12-14270 grams90 grams
    15 – 18360 grams120 grams
    19 – 70450 grams150 grams
    70+360 grams120 grams
    Pregnant450 grams150 grams
    Lactating450 grams150 grams


    We divide vegetables into the 7 categories:

    Most Recommended:

    1. Cruciferous Vegetables.
    2. Fruiting Vegetables.
    3. Leafy Greens and Petiole Vegetables.
    4. Marrow Vegetables.
    5. Root Vegetables.

    Least Recommended:

    1. Allium Vegetables.
    2. Stem Vegetables.

    You should try to include vegetables from each category in your weekly diet.

    Recommended Weekly Ratio

    There are the main 5 categories for the recommended weekly diet. Other two categories are optional.

    CategoriesRecommended Weekly Ratio
    Cruciferous Vegetables20%
    Fruiting Vegetables20%
    Leafy Greens and Petiole Vegetables20%
    Marrow Vegetables20%
    Root Vegetables20%


    Your weekly vegetable intake should include 20% cruciferous vegetables.

    Recommended Form:

    Cruciferous VegetablesRecommended Form
    Bok ChoyRaw
    BroccoliRaw, Boiled
    Brussels SproutsRaw, Steamed, Roasted
    Cabbage (red, green, savoy).Raw, Steamed, Boiled, Roasted
    Cauliflower (white, green, orange, purple)Raw, Steamed, Boiled, Roasted
    HorseradishRaw, Steamed
    Kohlrabi (green, purple)Raw, Steamed, Boiled, Roasted


    Fruiting vegetables are essential. Your weekly vegetable intake should include 20% fruiting vegetables. Bell peppers and tomatoes are significantly important. You should use chilies with caution and in a very minimal amount less than ½ to 1 per day.

    Recommended Form:

    Fruiting VegetablesRecommended Form
    Bell Pepper or Capsicums (green, red, yellow)Raw, Boiled
    EggplantSteamed, Boiled, Roasted
    TamarilloBoiled, Roasted
    TomatoesRaw, Boiled


    Your weekly vegetable intake should include 20% leafy green and petiole vegetables.

    Recommended Form:

    VegetablesRecommended Form
    Amaranth (Green)Boiled
    Amaranth (Purple)Boiled
    Beet greenBoiled
    Celery leavesRaw
    Chard (Silver beet)Boiled
    Chicory greenRaw
    Collard greensRaw
    Curry LeavesRaw
    Dill LeavesRaw
    Fenugreek LeavesRaw
    Kale (black, green, or red)Raw and massaged
    Mustard LeavesRaw, Boiled
    Radish GreensRaw, Boiled
    Swiss chardBoiled
    Turnip greensRaw


    Your weekly vegetable intake should include 20% of marrow vegetables. Cucumbers should be the main marrow vegetable for your daily diet.

    Recommended Form:

    VegetableRecommended Form
    Cucumbers (all types)Raw
    Pumpkins (all types)Boiled
    Snake CucumberRaw
    Squash (all types)Boiled


    Your weekly vegetable intake should include 20% root vegetables.

    Recommended Form:

    VegetableRecommended Form
    CarrotsRaw, Boiled
    Chicory RootBoiled
    Fennel bulbRaw
    Potatoes (all types)Boiled
    Sweet PotatoesBoiled
    TurnipRaw, Boiled


    Allium vegetables are optional and least recommended group of vegetables.

    If you are following Healing Phase Diet and Stablizing Phase Diet, you should not consume allium vegetables.

    You can start taking alliums during Preventing Phase Diet.

    Alliums are not considered as Sattvic. If you also follow the Sattvic Diet, you should not take alliums.

    A few examples of allium vegetables are as follows:

    Recommended Form:

    VegetableRecommended Form
    GarlicRaw, Roasted, Caramelized Using Water
    Garlic scapesRoasted, Caramelized Using Water
    OnionRaw, Caramelized Using Water
    Scallions (Green Onions)Raw
    ShallotRaw, Caramelized Using Water

    How to Cook: You should not use oil or any fat to caramelise alliums. Just cook in a pan until turns brown. Sprinkle water occasionally to prevent burning.


    Stem vegetables are optional and least recommended group of vegetables.

    Recommended Form:

    VegetableRecommended Form
    AsparagusRaw, Boiled
    Bamboo shootsBoiled
    Celery stemRaw
    Rhubarb stalkBoiled, Simmered in Water

    You should not take Rhubarb leaves and roots due to high oxalic acid. Only stalks are edible.


    1. Boiled vegetables are easy to digest than steamed vegetables.
    2. Steamed vegetables are easy to digest than raw vegetables.
    3. Raw vegetables are easy to digest than boiled and steamed vegetables processed or fortified with oil or fat.
    4. Non-starchy vegetables are easy to digest than starchy vegetables.
    5. All vegetables are easy to digest than grains, legumes, nuts, seeds and animal foods. But heavier to digest than fruits.

    According to digestibility, if you cook vegetables in oil or any type of fat (ghee, butter, etc.), it becomes heavier to digest than boiled in water alone. Cooking in oil reduces dryness causing property of vegetables, especially in green leafy vegetables (discussed below).

    You should make sure you are not consuming oil more than the recommended amount, as in dietary guidelines.

    The best way is to include 60% raw vegetables and 40% cooked vegetables. I have provided a list of vegetables with the best way to consume them under each vegetable category. Boiling increases the bioavailability of nutrients and phytochemicals in some vegetables. Some are best to eat in raw form.


    We recommend the following cooking method:

    1. Chop vegetables in small cubes.
    2. Take clay pot or a suitable pan.
    3. Roast cumin seeds in a pan.
    4. Add some water and chopped vegetables.
    5. Cook on low flame/heat until vegetables become soft.
    6. Remove pan from heat.
    7. Now, take native nuts or seeds, tomatoes, green chillies, fresh ginger, black pepper, turmeric, green cardamom seeds and cinnamon in a food processer. Blend the mixture and make the puree.
    8. Add this puree in cooked vegetables and cover the pan with a lid for 10 minutes.
    9. Now chop coriander leaves and mix chopped coriander leaves in cooked vegetables.

    Ayurveda advises adding fat with vegetables. Because it reduces Vata Aggravating properties of vegetables. Not all vegetables increase Vata dosha. A few vegetables do so. We recommend adding fat in the natural form instead of oils. You can add any from the following list:

    Soak Nuts and Seeds: Make sure you soak nuts for at least 6 hours before using them. Soaking helps to improve the bioavailability of nutrient and digestibility of nuts and seeds.

    Choose Native Nuts and Seeds: You can also add other nuts and seeds native to your area. There is no restriction. They should be edible and safe to consume. We recommended amount for nuts and seeds in dietary guidelines. But it may differ for individual nuts. For example, brazil nuts contain a high amount of selenium, so you should not take more than one brazil nut a day. So, make sure to check individual recommendation for each nuts and seeds. Check our future nut guide.

    Ayurvedic Cooking

    There is a specific method described in ayurveda for a few vegetables. It applies to vegetables, which aggravates Vata Dosha and produces dryness in the body.

    Generally, it includes a few leafy green vegetables, e.g., spinach, Jivanti leaves, Bathua (goosefoot), barley leaves, Chakramarda leaves (sickle pod), etc.

    Ayurveda describes the cooking method for these vegetables.

    स्विन्नं निष्पीडितरसं स्नेहाढ्यं नातिदोषलम् । (Ashtang Hridaya, Sutra Sthana, Chapter 6, Verse 95)

    There are three steps:

    1. Boiling or Steaming.
    2. Squeezing steamed vegetables to remove residual water.
    3. Cooking, fortifying with fat or adding oil.

    How to Cook in Ayurvedic Way

    1. Boil these vegetables in water.
    2. Filter and discard the residual water and keep boiled or steamed vegetables.
    3. Now add the recommended seed oil, e.g., sesame oil or native oil (made from a plant grown in your local area) or cook them in oil for 2-3 minutes.

    How much oil should you add?

    The quick answer is 2.5-5% of the cooked vegetable amount. If the cooked vegetable is 100 grams, you can add 2.5 ml to 5 ml of oil in it. If you do not exercise more than 30 minutes a day and living a sedentary life, you should not add oil in vegetables. The simple rule if you have abdominal fat, you should not take oil. There is no restriction taking nuts and seeds. The restriction applies only to oils and unnatural form of fats. If you are thin and no belly fat, you can take oil without any problem, but not more than the recommended amount per day.

    Ayurveda does not describe the amount. It depends on how much you involve in physical work. In the current era, you should take care of your daily oil recommendation. Check Dietary Guidelines to know the Recommended Amount for oil and fats.

    The most of ayurvedic doctors use above verses for argument to advise adding oil in your diet and cook vegetables in oil. I strongly disagree. Ancient scenario and current scenario are vastly different.

    In ancient times (when ayurveda was written), people were physically active the whole day. They were working hard and involving in strengthening physical work. If they consumed astringent, pungent, dryness producing foods without oil or fat, they would suffer from Vata Diseases. They would become weak and struggle for energy.

    But nowadays this is not the case. You eat more sugars, salt, grains, legumes, animal food than you need. Due to less physical work, your body already stores a lot of fat, Kapha dosha and Ama Dosha. Microchannels in your body also develop blockage due to Ama and Kapha dosha.

    Even if it appears you suffer from Vata Disease, it is because Ama Dosha and Kapha dosha block the passage of Vata. It is not due to dryness in microchannels. It is not pure vata disease. Your diseases are a mix of three doshas. It applies to more than 75% of cases, according to my experience. So, what you need – a variety of food.

    For example, paralysis caused by stroke does not occur due to dryness or aggravation of Vata in the body. Vata dosha comes during the process and after the stroke. You eat a lot of fat void of vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants. The stroke occurs due to fatness and your bad eating habits. It results in the accumulation of Ama dosha and an increase of Kapha dosha in the body. When you accumulate fats in your blood vessels, it hinders natural functions. Hindrance starts causing inflammation and blocks the blood vessels. It is a form of Kapha and Ama dosha. So, this blockage hinders the free movement of Vata (causing vata disease), which ultimately results in stroke, damages brain cells and ultimately causes paralysis. Then vata disorder starts, which is hard to cure or incurable.

    So, you need such food, which reduces fat in your body, removes Ama dosha and clears the blockages. Vegetables without adding oils do this job. Alternatively, you need to be physically active the whole day.

    If you involve in strengthening physical activities, you may consume oil as recommended in dietary guidelines.

    Each type of vegetables has different effects on three dosha. Some increase vata, some pitta and some kapha. The key recommendation is to include a variety of vegetables in your daily diet without concerning about dosha. A variety of vegetables will nullify each other effects on the dosha and maintains their balance while providing a complete nourishment.

    Dr. Jagdev Singh


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